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Often have to use long URLs, for example, affiliate (referral) links and just specific pages of any site. Obviously, what to say on the phone or pass on paper such a link is impossible. For this and created services to shorten links: of long addresses, they do address the length of usually not more than 10 characters. They can also be used in Twitter, VK, Facebook and other social networks where, as is known, the message size is limited. Shorten links is very simple. You visit a website on abbreviation of links, for example, https://u.to/ and type the address shorten links:
And get the shortened link of this type
How to make money ?
Some sites to reduce advertising links inserted in the shortened link. The point is that the visitor before clicking this link, first looks at ads and after a few seconds (up to 10, no longer met) passes. In other words, for every click on such a link you get money. So here is a shortened link: adf.ly/rgzqF. To increase earnings on shortened links, suggest that you post links on sites with a large attendance: the social network (VK, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, etc.), message boards, forums, etc. You can also raise revenue by posting reviews with abbreviated references to the sites bereznikah (sites with pirated software or movies). In this case, will double the earnings: on abbreviated links on the downloads and file sharing services. A good option are promoted to your social network accounts with special references to the original. Another effective option of earning on the services to shorten links is the use of the wound. But inept use of these programs leads to ban !
This is the most popular service earnings on shortened links, and as you probably noticed, I have him shorten the links of your site. ADF.LY and other similar sites is divided into three parts: Publishers (Publisher), Advertisers (Advertiser) and Referrals (partners).
The average earnings of publishers by geographic attachment, can be viewed at https://adf.ly/rates There are two columns: earnings on the links and banners. Each column is divided into two columns: Unique (average earnings per 1000 visitors in 24 hours) and Raw (earnings for browse thousands of links with the same advertising 24 hours). Clicks from English-speaking countries are paid about 10 times more expensive than from Russia, for example, the average earnings from the US on 1.09.2014 $8.85 per 1000 views a day, and from Ukraine and Russia — $ 1.00. Withdrawal ADF.LY: Your money are automatically credited to your account until midnight of the first day of the following month if Your earnings reached$ 5 or more. Please note, Payoneer currently has a minimum withdrawal of$ 10. If you want to withdraw money manually to the end of the month, remove payment details from your profile. Money found in the specified in your profile address, payment system. ADF.LY working with payment systems PayPAL, Payoneer and Payza. Daily payouts are available for those who received at least one automatic payment per month, have a Deposit of 5$, have the account for more than one month and not updated the details in the last 72 hours.
Mass reduction:can be reduced immediately to 20 URL. Enter one URL on one line. The massive reduction in your account can be disable if will abuse, cut only those links that are going to use.
Massive reduction of the linking HTML pages: You can insert HTML or BBcode page in a special form and ADF.LY will shorten all links. Again, mass reduction can be turned off for abuse.
Simple links: if you don't need a short URL, but you want to make money on your blog or website is the easiest and fastest method of earning: https://adf.ly/6011992/www.google.com Replace "www.google.com" on the URL that you need to visitor traveled. For this you do not need to log on to ADF.LY, the money in your account will be credited as if you were directly reduced to ADF.LY. If You need a short link with banner (less income but less Intrusive): https://adf.ly/6011992/banner/www.google.com Note, 6011992 this is my user ID. ID have to any contracted affiliate link. In this article, all references to ADF.LYare partnerships and what registered on these links the customer earns, I get paid a cent from his earnings. You not take and the same you can attract customers. Technology affiliate (referral) links is quite common on the Internet. Details about the affiliate program see below for.
Documentation for the API:ADF.LY provides a simple but useful API (a programming interface for applications). Gives your applications access to the URL:
Replace "https://somewebsite.com" to the URL, which should be reduced. "key" and "uid" must be You, otherwise the request will return an error.
Replace "advert_type=int" to "advert_type=banner" if you need a banner instead of the advertised website.
Replace "domain=adf.ly" for "domain=q.gs", if you want to use the domain q.gs.
Add "folder=share_name", if you want to link a short URL with a specific folder.
Replace "domain=adf.ly" for "domain=xxxx.xxx" if you want to use the owl own domain.
vanity URLS are returned in the response body as plain text. If for any reason the query was unsuccessful, you will receive "error" as a response. If the shortened link is in your account, you will be refunded the original and shortened URL in your account will not be a new record.
You will most likely be to send special characters in the URL, so you must encode the URL with Javascript function encodeURIComponent () or its equivalents in other languages, otherwise your request will not be executed.
the folder Name must be encoded Javascript function encodeURIComponent () or its equivalents in other languages, otherwise the vanity URL will be associated with the folder "default".
Add "fb_image=yyy" (where yyy is the URL of your image), if you want to shorten the link preview pictures Facebook. Don't forget to use the encodeURIComponent () or similar to encode the URL of the image, otherwise Your request may fail.
Add "adflytoaygy=1" (in this case the domain parameter must be equal to adf.ly) if you want to dynamically replace "adf.ly" to "ay.gy". Domain "ay.gy" redirects to the ADF.LY. This is useful if you place a link, for example, Twitter, which prohibits "adf.ly" links.
Add "title=yyy", where yyy is the name shortened links. Don't forget to use the encodeURIComponent () or similar to encode the URL of the image, otherwise Your request may fail.
Web Analytics: You want to be in the URL, shortened URL are the same statistics that gives you with Google Analytics? This is Now possible. Analytics tracker code Enter in a special form and you will be able to see the statistics in Google account. Wait a few hours until you updated your account Google. To find the tracking code Analytics, go to "Administrator">>"tracking Code" or create a new code. To create a new code Analytics, go to "Administrator"> "Account"> "Create new account" select account type "Mobile app", enter the account name, branch and time zone.
in the Script reduction links page. If you have a website and you want to automatically reduce 100 or 1000 pages, use a script that is located on the ADP page.ly/Publisher/tools-fullpage# Just paste the code on your blog page or site and links will be shortened automatically. Domains, URL, which do not need to cut, you can add in the line "var domains" of the script. If you want to use full page script with the banner ads (less money, but less obtrusive), change the line to var adfly_advert = 'int' var adfly_advert = 'banner'; To use one of the domains ADF.Crystals or your domain, add the following line to the script: adfly_domain var = 'j.TOS'; If you don't want the pop-under that shows your visitors, change the line: var popunder = false; If you don't want to Rank pages left pages, add the following setting to the script: var adfly_nofollow = true.
Script abbreviations pages. If you have a website and want to earn money when a visitor simply visits the site, use this script: ADF.ly/Publisher/tools-site#
Warning! If you are on the page there are scripts or plugins for jQuery, the script reducing page it is recommended to insert above other scripts, for example, tag the head.
'Frequency_cap' — the number of redirects the user to the advertisement ADF.Crystals 24 hours. 'Frequency_delay' — the number of minutes of advertising the user, it is recommended to leave the default value. 'Init_delay' is the number of seconds from the download site to download the ads. It is recommended to install a few seconds to the visitor first saw your website, and then advertising. This reduces the likelihood that a visitor will simply leave. If you want to use the script reducing page with the banner advertising (less money, but less obtrusive), change the line: var adfly_advert = 'int'; var adfly_advert banner="; To use one of the domains ADF.Crystals or your domain, add the following line to the script: adfly_domain var = 'j.TOS'; If you want to safely load the page ADF.crystals (or https), add this option to the script: var adfly_protocol = 'https'; If you don't want the pop-under that shows your visitors, change the line: var popunder = false;
There is a possibility of exporting and importing data reduction script pages in the format of Microsoft Excel.
Domains. For ADF.Crystals you can use your own domains and subdomains. There are many advantages of this method:
Much more clicks when people see that links with ADF.Crystalsandadvertising and are less likely to click on them.[/do] [whether]You own the domain and can download all the URLS in a table in Excel. If you're worried that ADF.Crystals one day disappear then you will have full control over the links.[/do] [Li]Twitter and other websites banned links ADF.Crystals. If you are using your own domain, automated testing will not detect ADF.Crystals links to your account.[/do]
Before you use your domain to ADP.ly, you need to update the DNS record for it. It's quite a modern feature, so please use it if you have experience with CSN.
The only entry we need is a cname record. You need to create the cname Record for the domain/subdomain to specify the address of vardaman.ADF.crystals. For example: name type address go to the cname (canonical name) to order.ADF.crystals. And be sure to place a period at the end of the address.
Just how to do it depends on where the domain is hosted, contact the hosting provider or domain Registrar if you are unsure. When you have updated the cname record and will be willing to add your domain to ADF.Crystals, click create / manage domains .
Rules for publishers
[li]do Not advertise ADF.LY links to sites traffic exchange.
don't put ADF.LY links to anywhere that contains adult content, including advertising.
shorten URL that contain adult material.
do Not offer visitors to click on the links ADF.LY.
don't create the redirects to generate revenue.
do Not create spam with links ADF.LY forums, chats, comments, blogs.
does Not open links ADF.LY in pop-up Windows and frames.
When a visitor opens ADF.LY, no other links or Windows must not open.
is Permitted to automatically redirect to the link ADF.LY only with a HTTP Redirect (using a script available on the website ADF.LY). JavaScript redirect and meta-refresh are not valid.
We recommend the following services for redirects, is a Bit.ly, Goo.gl and tinyurl.com
the Only legitimate way to open a link AdF.ly is one mouse click on the actual link. This does not apply to the script reduction links.
You can click once on its own link ADF.LY to check it. You cannot create links for the test. Does not apply to links generated by the scripts 'Website Entry Script' and 'Full Page Script'.
ADF.LY reserves the right not to pay for links on which they click their owners.
do Not insert 'Website Entry Script' is not a site of traffic exchange.
do Not insert 'Website Entry Script' on sites containing adult material.
do Not offer visitors to click on the link containing the 'Website Entry Script'.
Criteria of visitors. You will pay per visitor that clicks on the link ADF.LY or views a website containing the website Entry Script, if it meets the following criteria:
Must view a paying advertisement, this is any advertising.
Should look paying advertisement for at least 5 seconds.
Must have JavaScript and Cookies enabled.
Must have Adobe Flash installed and enabled.
If someone will report the violation one of the rules, your publisher account will be deleted and money will be confiscated.
A thousand hits from UK and the US is from 4 to 5 $. Every visit that you buy at ADF.LY, meets the following criteria:
the Uniqueness within 24 hours.
every visitor with Cookies enabled and JavaScript.
Daily updated black lists of anonymous proxy servers.
Every visitor watches the advertisement for at least 5 seconds.
These criteria correspond to intermediate traffic and banners. You can get traffic which do not meet these criteria, but will never be overloaded. Traffic from proxy servers. Some quick and cheap traffic is perfectly passes these criteria, except for known proxy servers. This is still human traffic, not bots. To get this traffic, you need to purchase a package 'Proxy Traffic'. Price for 1000 unikov this traffic, at the time of this writing, is $ 0.40.
the advertiser. You can transfer funds from a previous company on the balance sheet, ready to return to PayPal, or to Finance another advertising company. It gives you full control over your money ADF.LY and ideal for testing many small campaigns. At the time of writing, the Deposit may be replenished only through PayPal and Payza.
Rules for advertisers
General rules that prohibited advertising our network:
Pop-up window, popunder ads and any automatic Windows.
Any malicious code.
Cookie Stuffing.
Content for adults and themed adult websites. It is at the discretion ADF.LY.
Any form of frames that violate the script — our AdF.ly header must remain unchanged.
anything related to illegal activities.
ADF.LY reserves the right to reject any advertisement with a full refund.
If an advertiser is caught violating one of the rules, his account will be deleted and advertising campaign stops.
Criteria of visitors. You will pay per visitor that clicks on the link ADF.LY or views a website containing the website Entry Script, if it meets the following criteria:
Must view a paying advertisement, this is any advertising.
Should look paying advertisement for at least 5 seconds. This is necessary to your advertised site has already loaded. If your website is down or very frustrating, the visitor can click on "Skip ad". But you have to pay for it.
Must have JavaScript and Cookies enabled.
Must have Adobe Flash installed and enabled.
No proxy servers. If you have not purchased a package 'Proxy Traffic'.
Will be on IP located in the country that you are targeting.
will be a unique Visitor within 24 hours.
CoinURL.COM no longer reduces the links, I advise you to pay attention to ADF.LY
One such site is ADF.LY. We now look in detail at how to earn on it. COINURL.COM there is a very favorable feature that strongly distinguishes it from competitors. This cash-only wallets e-currency Bitcoin. Coins of this system can be stored on your computer, online wallets and bitcoin exchanges. Last year Bitcoin was worth 30$ now, in September 2013, according to exchange BTC-E he is 344.7789 USD
Enter this address in COINURL.COM page "Removal", bitcoins will be transferred to the exchange during the day.
Change bitcoins for dollars, euros or rubles. And on the page "Finance" withdraw money to a Bank account or payment system. The list of supported payment systems:
If on the stock exchange btc-e.com you don't find your preferred payment system you can withdraw in btc-e code and at special exchanger to transfer money to a Bank card or payment system. By the way, it's the exchanger ( e-money.su) registered customers gives regular discounts on output and input. BTC-E CODE is a system of coupon exchange btc-e to make it easier to Deposit and withdraw btc-e. For example, you want to withdraw 100$ with exchange and I want to replenish your Deposit btc-e for 100$. Then you go into "Finance, withdrawal of USD in BTC-E CODE", indicate the amount to withdraw, click on a link from the email confirming the withdrawal and without get code like this: for MINERS-USD-MXZDTLIW-HX0OGC47-PRHJXTIN-XPFEZ86V-XW8DDEHW and give it to me. I go into "Finance", opposite BTC-E CODE click "Redeem" in the field "Enter your BTC-E Code here:" enter your code MINERS-USD-MXZDTLIW-HX0OGC47-PRHJXTIN-XPFEZ86V-XW8DDEHW immediately without get$ 100 on Deposit. Some moneychangers, such as e-money.su earn start-up/BTC-E codes to PRIVAT 24, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, Perfect Money, OKPAY, EgoPay and other payment systems.
how Much can I earn ?
You chat in social networks, but if you want somewhere someone put a link, shorten it. COINURL.COM offers an affiliate program you will receive 10% of the amount of the earnings of content creators (that is, those who spread the short link) that you brought to the affiliate link from your profile. My affiliate link looks like this: https://clck.ru/9bu8q
To register go to COINURL.COM, in the list of "Russian". Page Create account enter the name, email address, password, security code, and click "Create account". and You will receive a letter with registration confirmation.
link Exchange Without registering links to cut, but you don't get paid. Using your username and password go to https://coinurl.com/login.php and WITH [INVALID URL BB CODE] type links to reduce. Function "Name the link" need to select a name shortened links.
Page "Earn - Clicks" You can see the cost of each transition and many other features, such as the city of the visitor, the visitor's browser, etc. On a page the Reduced set of links you can reduce a lot of links. And also, for site owners there is an automatic reduction of links.
content Filtering advertising
Page "content Filtering advertising" to Mark content, ads you want to show users, passing on your links. This p. rnography, gambling, drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, politics, religion, violence, weapons. I hope that you will deny all except policy.
profile settings
Page "profile" you can change password, change email, specify the time zone. In addition, you can set the maximum viewing time of the advertisement before clicking the link or enable automatic redirection after 15 seconds of viewing.
Advertisers can show their ads on the links autoredirect therefore your earnings can decrease. Advertising with a longer duration time can irritate users, but are able to increase your earnings.
privacy setting
Page Privacy you can hide from other users of data links and on advertising CoinURL.COM unlike many other similar websites respects your privacy and makes every effort to ensure the confidentiality of data. For greater anonymity they offer the possibility of complete irrevocable destruction of all accumulated logs on the server. This procedure is completely safe and will not affect the operation of your account.
and For your safety they are allowed to register any number of accounts !
They even allow users who follow the short links or banners clicked, hide the IP address and the host name of the links from the creators, site owners and advertisers by enabling "do not track" browser settings.
Can I post short links or banners on hidden sites of TOR network?
With high probability a clique with the nodes in the network TOR can be rejected. If you have a hidden website .onions that do not contain illegal content, tell them the address and after review it will be added to the white list.
Can I challenge the refusal to pay for certain clicks?
If you see clicks with denials of payment and do not agree with this, contact tech support by providing links to places where you have placed the short URLS.
Can I click on my own links and banners?
Service with [INVALID URL BB CODE] the Ref does not prohibit to test the functionality of links and banners you have created. However, the use of any artificial methods wrap the number of clicks is strictly prohibited and in case of detection of your account, together with all assets in its account will be blocked.
May I re-cut a short URL using other services shortening of URLS with advertising?
The creation of such chains of links is prohibited.
are There any restrictions on the number of citations abbreviated?
To prevent potential attacks on the server of [INVALID URL BB CODE] at each user is assigned a default limit of 10000 links per day. This limit can be increased on your request. We do not impose any restrictions on the creation of personal links, but reserve the right to release a name for the links with no clicks in the previous month.