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| Problems with Apache and MySQL | |
Автор: admin  Просмотров: 3629  Комментарии:
 Добавлен: 4 октября 2013
Обновлено: 20.03.2014 - 21:02 Somehow accidentally ran chown user-R /, well that in the sandbox. : smile: Apache will give this error:
Starting web server: apache2/var/lock/apache2 already exists but is not a directory owned by www-data. Please fix manually. Aborting.
df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory Solution: Change the owner of the directory /var/lock/apache2 to www-data cd /var/lock/apache2 chown www-data -R .
Second mistake - there is no file /etc/mtab. Corrected as follows: exit the chroot, mount /root to chroot by command: mount /proc /home/ura/programs/chroot/proc-t proc, go in the chroot and run the command grep -v rootfs /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab. Now Apache runs without errors.
With MySQL was slightly easier:
You just need to change the owner of the directory /var/run/mysqld на mysql: cd /var/run/mysqld chown mysql -R .
ТРИО теплый пол отзыв
Заработок на сокращении ссылок
Earnings on reducing links
Код PHP на HTML сайты
Категория: Компьютерные советы
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